Hmmm, life seems to have taken a turn, after the drama that was the first 6 months of 2008 it seems like a strange dream, after emotions, hospitals, nappies, blood, depression, and more health problems with my Lupus I feel like I have been handed happiness on a plate. I am in a constant state of confusion, awe, and feeling like the luckiest person on the face of the planet. I pinch myself on a regular basis just to check. But this is happening. It really, really is. I just felt like shouting it out from my blog, because I don't have a mountain, well I do but too many Koreans doing their early morning exercises would be incredibly confused by the crazy foreigner. So apparently it exists, and this is it. I am completely, totally and utterly, head over heels in love with the most wonderful man in the entire world (or so he tells me).
Although I'm saying no more as my horoscope told me to... ;)
Tuesday, July 8
Try not to share too many secrets with your friends and coworkers today. Not everyone has your best interests in mind. There are very few people you can put your trust in.

So who's the lucky boy then. A past flame, or brand new.
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