My friend Mike is Stanley Tucci. You know? The guy in The Terminal: Tom Hanks, gets stuck in an airport terminal because the US won't let him in and he can't go back to his home country blah blah... The terminal boss guy Stanley Tucci. He's also a cop in Lucky Number Slevin. A much better movie so if you were going to choose go for that one. I digress. My friend Mike is Stanly Tucci. Well he is identical, and not in the way that a handful of people in my life have told me that I look like Natalie Portman kind of way, he REALLY looks like Stanley.
When I first met Mike I was working in a school and he walked into the teachers' room. The first thing I said to him was, "Oh my god you look just like that guy! You know the guy? The guy from that movie!" Turning to other teachers, "What's the name of that guy? Oh my God you look just like him!!!" To which Mike's response was, "..." and everyone else just seemed to go quiet as the uncomfortable silence just hung over my head like a bad smell.
The thing is Mike thinks it was our other friend Ivan who did this. Well all I remember is when I was talking there was a little voice, clear as a bell, in my head saying, "that's it, you've done it again. Lack of inner monologue. And now you have to work with this guy." Well I want to thank Mike for being my friend and even going so far as to not remember that it was my foot in my mouth.

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