So I have mostly been a hermit staying in to write papers, read articles, and search online for new articles to pad out the references section of my 5000 word essay. And by the way: That's a lot of words. I'm halfway through but I think I'll probably rewrite it before the 19th, when it's due. My horoscope might make sense if I had actually done anything today that involved me meeting anyone...
Capricorn: An exciting new person will enter your life today. Good things will happen because you let them into your life.
Oh! No! Wait a minute, I ordered a pizza and I let the delivery man in! He wasn't very exciting, or new, I have seen him many a time before, but the pizza was certainly a good thing! And anyway, the day's not over yet.
I have applied for a job and been offered a new contract at my current job so that's quite exciting. The job I applied for is a consultant position at Oxford University Press which would take me away from teaching students and plop me in front of teachers. scary. Actually I was planning on applying for jobs in publishing as soon as I finish my MA: Oxford, Cambridge, you know: the major ELT publishers. I was looking at Editor positions and would be perfectly qualified for a junior of assistant position. This job is just another way in. The thing is: I'm not sure if I'm completely ready to leave teaching yet. Doing my MA has made me more excited about teaching ad trying out new things in the classroom. Its a moot point at the moment though because I haven't even had an interview yet.
I have bought my ticket home for the summer and also sneakily managed to wangle a few days in Spain! Yay!! Something to look forward to.
The cat ran off for a day but came back at 2.30 am. Little witch. She chose to knock on the door and sit waiting for me to get up and open it instead on using the open window. Little witch.
Finally, I exceeded my record number of cups of tea in one day.
So that's all for now. Back to work. No rest for the wicked. I wanna finish so I can watch Desperate Housewives tonight.

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