I don't mean to sound culturally insensitive but I read the New York Times today about the Olympic torch being carried though Seoul and the protests and scuffle that ensued between the Chinese supporters and Koreans: Two men, North Korean defectors, tried to set light to themselves in protest at the inhumane treatment of North Korean refugees in China. This is one form of protest that I cannot understand. In Korea it is common for a protest to get out of hand, there are so many. People have been known to set themselves on fire, cut off their fingers and throw themselves to their demise in the Han River. I mean I understand the gravity of the situation and how strongly people feel about it, as they should; it is horrendous what goes on in North Korea and the International governments choose to ignore the gross inhumanity. But, why kill yourself? Especially after you managed to escape from the regime... Surely you could do more good alive? Maybe I'm missing the point.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Grump Slump
Capricorn: Laughter is the best medicine! Seeing your funniest friend will cheer you up tremendously. .
Sarah Calderwood's
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen. - John le Carre
I just read this quote and found it rather relevant. In fact my quotes for the day on my igoogle homepage are all rather wonderful today.
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it. - Cullen Hightower
I just read this quote and found it rather relevant. In fact my quotes for the day on my igoogle homepage are all rather wonderful today.
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it. - Cullen Hightower
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
On living my life and not just waiting for it.

Which also makes me cry.
His letters help her to pull herself together and live her life. I suppose I relate to that. I suppose that's why I cried. I forget sometimes with all of my student loans and plans for the future and wondering if I'm really doing what I want and taking the right paths that life is actually happening now.
Thirdly it made me think of lost loves. I just wrote a paragraph and deleted it again... I'm not ready to share that just yet.
It wasn't that it was such an amazing movie but the message was quite pertinent to my life. I have felt recently that I'm in limbo. I need to stay in Korea until I finish my MA but really really want to move on. I used to be like this when I was a teenager and in my early 20s, wishing to be older and at a further stage in my career/life without stopping to enjoy where I was. I think lots of people do this. I notice myself doing it and wish I could just slow down a bit and notice what's going on around me. Stop making plans for a moment and settle into what I am doing right now. I think we all know that wouldn't make me happy though. I do need to try harder to enjoy the moment however and I am going to endeavor to do so instead of constantly searching for my real life to begin I want to be more involved in this one. This starts with writing my damn essay. And liking it.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
I was right
Sarah professor
Thank you so much , Professor :D I am so sorry. I didn't know that. I won't anymore. If it was rude , I hope that you understand me. Sorry about that. Please forgive me with your generous mind.
She also came to class with soda and chocolate for me.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

It is midterm week. The most infuriating week of the semester whereby I get to sit and watch my students have conversations in English. The week didn't start off too badly, i even noticed that many students had in fact prepared hard and were sailing through the conversations quite fluently. It is now Wednesday and I feel like rubbing chili paste in my eyes would be preferable to sitting through these unprepared, muddled, sleep deprived students' attempts at speaking English. The reason I am in such a good mood is probably due to a case of PMS and the feeling that my time could be better spent. I will never get back these long minutes of my life and I'm not getting any younger.
I also have an essay due in a month which I am no nearer to finishing than I was a month ago, AND a new course has started this week so I am expected to actually do some work. The essay will have to be started this weekend. procrastination time is officially over and desperation has kicked in.
I have also been invited to apply for a new job. It would mean a little redirection in my career, going from teaching to ELT consultant at Oxford University Press in Seoul. It's the direction I want to go in, eventually getting an editor's position when I finish my MA but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do to move now while I'm in the middle of my MA. It would also be more like a "real" job working 9-5 instead of loafing in to the classroom every now and then. Of course I haven't been offered the job, just to apply, but...
On top of that my horoscope couldn't be more wrong today:
Capricorn: You will be tempted by something naughty today, but you'll have enough willpower to restrain yourself. .
Today I have consumed:
Today I have consumed:
A bacon sandwich, 3 cups of tea, a cup of coffee, an ice cream and plan to order fried chicken and munch on chocolate in one hour. I wonder if I will turn into a butterfly...
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Lazy Little Witch
Yellow Dust

I have laryngitis, bronchitis and I've lost my voice. The medicine is giving me a dodgy tummy and the cat is not looking after me. My camera has broken and I'm way behind on my essay. Everyone in South Korea is getting sick at the moment because of China. Blame China.
Today we have an amber alert. Not sure what that means but I'm coughing up amber colored chunks...
Too much information? Oh well.
Bed time now. My chest hurts.
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Sound Advice
Thursday, April 10
The things that were running smoothly yesterday have a strong chance of unraveling today. Enlist the help of people who will help you to achieve your objectives. You must work hard to build a loyal group of allies. Your focus today should be on networking.
I suppose that means I should go to the pub tonight.
The things that were running smoothly yesterday have a strong chance of unraveling today. Enlist the help of people who will help you to achieve your objectives. You must work hard to build a loyal group of allies. Your focus today should be on networking.
I suppose that means I should go to the pub tonight.
Day Off
I'm still trying to decipher yesterday's horoscope and have still to come up with a clear meaning. Actually the thing is I thought of doing lots of naughty things yesterday, for example: I had to study but I wanted to watch television; I had to get up early today but I wanted to stay up late last night; I had chastised CJ for cheating on computer Scrabble but I myself felt the urge to press the hint button; I want to lose some weight but I really wanted to eat that fifth cookie. The only one I didn't do was cheat on Scrabble. I justify the others by the fact that it was a public holiday and I didn't have to work. Okay, okay, okay, I'm a bad person.
Today's Horoscope
Today's Horoscope
Capricorn: You know the difference between right and wrong, so there shouldn't even be a question. You know what to do. .
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Why I need to read my horoscope earlier...
Sunday, 6 April 2008
I can't believe it:
I can believe it:
I can believe it:
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Advice too late...
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
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