Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Why I need to read my horoscope earlier...

I Don't usually use the toilets at the university because firstly they are squatty Asian toilets and secondly my apartment is only a 30 second walk from my office. However, when needs must and all that. The toilets conveniently have a metal rail in front of them so you can hang on instead of balancing precariously over the bowl. I was in a bit of a hurry and what with the pulling down of the trousers and arranging myself in the appropriate position I completely forgot to balance and when I toppled I neglected to put my hands out to stop myself, instead using my head. Which now has a little lump on it and is rather painful.

A few hours later I read my horoscope...

Today's Horoscope

December 22 ~ January 20

Capricorn: Your balance and coordination will be off, so be extra careful you don't get hurt. .

And that is why I need to read my horoscope earlier.


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