It is midterm week. The most infuriating week of the semester whereby I get to sit and watch my students have conversations in English. The week didn't start off too badly, i even noticed that many students had in fact prepared hard and were sailing through the conversations quite fluently. It is now Wednesday and I feel like rubbing chili paste in my eyes would be preferable to sitting through these unprepared, muddled, sleep deprived students' attempts at speaking English. The reason I am in such a good mood is probably due to a case of PMS and the feeling that my time could be better spent. I will never get back these long minutes of my life and I'm not getting any younger.
I also have an essay due in a month which I am no nearer to finishing than I was a month ago, AND a new course has started this week so I am expected to actually do some work. The essay will have to be started this weekend. procrastination time is officially over and desperation has kicked in.
I have also been invited to apply for a new job. It would mean a little redirection in my career, going from teaching to ELT consultant at Oxford University Press in Seoul. It's the direction I want to go in, eventually getting an editor's position when I finish my MA but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do to move now while I'm in the middle of my MA. It would also be more like a "real" job working 9-5 instead of loafing in to the classroom every now and then. Of course I haven't been offered the job, just to apply, but...
On top of that my horoscope couldn't be more wrong today:
Capricorn: You will be tempted by something naughty today, but you'll have enough willpower to restrain yourself. .
Today I have consumed:
Today I have consumed:
A bacon sandwich, 3 cups of tea, a cup of coffee, an ice cream and plan to order fried chicken and munch on chocolate in one hour. I wonder if I will turn into a butterfly...
'Rubbing chilli paste in my eyes...' love your use of the English language Sarah! xx
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