It's Easter Monday and I have the day off for the first time in 4 years. The only reason I do is because I work at a Catholic University, may not be Catholic, but I'll take the extra holidays, thanks! A second first for me in Korea was receiving Easter eggs in the street! The first was handed to me when I walked past a church yesterday and another on a subway. Granted they are not chocolate, they are just boiled eggs with little wrappers but it's the thought that counts.
I spent Easter Sunday eating chocolate cake and Strawberry Cheesecake and looking at art with Mike. I left Mike snivelling, grumpy and disgusting, not because he had to spend the afternoon with me, because of the spring cold which I have yet managed to avoid. You know I've spoken too soon don't you? Tomorrow's post will be a photo of me with snot running out of my nose.
Oh! Another first in Korea yesterday, which I forgot to take a photo of was a store in Hongdae (a trendy university area) called "Condomania" selling condoms in all shapes and sizes... even British Durex... I know this will not mean much to people at home but people in Korea will understand the relevance of this... It's on the same side of the road as The university, down the hill about 50 metres.
Last night we played Sunday Night Catan with Gio and Joanna. A lot of fun but I was tired after a long weekend and VERY argumentative with CJ. He took it well. By that I mean he just didn't say anything. We both agreed that I needed to take myself and my hormones to a quiet place. Well, I left and he probably breathed a sigh of relief.
I also made a new friend on Facebook. And by new friend I mean new, old friend who I used to go to school with. Chloe Blemings it's been a long time. I also saw that she was friends with my best friend from elementary school. I realised adding her would be pointless as she probably still hates me for being so mean to her in school. Facebook takes up too much of my time.
And all of this makes perfect sense reading my horoscope from yesterday retrospectively:
Sunday, March 23
Sarah,You may find that you are both making and losing friends today. You and your significant other could be arguing and agreeing at the same time. You can expect the unexpected from the people in your life, as well as people that you meet on the street.
The rest of the weekend was okay: I finished another semester of my MA so I took a few days to relax before I start the daunting task of starting my 5000 word paper. I've got some time off from online work so I should make the most of it and get stuck in. Scary.
As today is Sunday #2 I should get some laundry in and plan some lessons. Perhaps I'll just make another cup of tea first...