Me: "Could I have some water?" (read in posh British)
American: (blank stare)
Me: "Water" (read in Texan drawl 'cos that's my favourite American accent)
American: Oh! Water!!!
Me: Yes that's what I said.
So to save time I lengthened my vowels and didn't pronounce my 't's, instead I would pronounce the 'r'at the end of words which I would normally not need to bother myself with. This leads on perfectly to point 3. Because so many Americans and Canadians work here and because the majority of Koreans speak English with an American accent, my accent has become assimilated... I wonder if this has happened to Hugh Laurie too... I realised this today and want to reclaim it! I want to apologise for neglecting you accent. I will endeavour to treat you better.
Watch out Korea, the Amazon starts small but look where that ends up. First it's 13 students, before you know it I'll have the whole of Korea speaking English properly.
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