The 14th of next month is Black Day. On this day single people should get together and eat noodles with black bean sauce, JaJangMyun.

Wait, there's more... May 14th is Rose Day, where couples exchange roses.
June 14th is Kiss Day, I think you are getting the gist.
July 14th is Silver day and you have to exchange something silver with that special person.
August 14th is my favourite, a special holiday for the Soju companies - couples escape to the outdoors whilst singles should drown their sorrows in a bottle or two of the favourite Korean tipple.

The next 4 months bring Photo Day, Wine Day, Movie Day and Hug Day, and these are only the 14th days of the month.
Let's not forget November 11th: Pepero Day. A pepero is a biscuit stick covered with chocolate. Sales of this skinny snack got through the roof. Schools have had to ban peperos on that day. In one of my most memorable Pepero day experiences the fat kid at the back of my class projectile vomited pepero down the class aisle. More and more companies are getting on the bandwagon. July 11th, for example, is 7-11 day (dedicated to the convenience store).

The strangest part of it all though is that in a country that has the largest amount of Christians per capita than any other country in the world, Christmas and Easter still remain very low key. I mean Easter eggs! Come on Korea; you're missing out on a fantastic opportunity!
Happy White Day!
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