I'm home and I'm getting better. I don't want to talk about it. At least I know what day it is now.
Most used phrases: Pee many many!!! (there's lots of blood) Many Many Appayo!!!! (it hurts a lot!!!!)
Most scared person in Bucheon: CJ
Best friends in all of the world: Mine
Most amount of sleep in one day: 20 hours
Best boss: Mine
Most embarrassing speeches whilst under the influence of anaesthetic: Me
Funniest ER experience: (Korean ERs have an electronic board on display with names and afflictions... in English. I was right between the bog bite and soju man, and no: I'm not telling you what it said just yet.
Most embarrassing, can't talk about it yet, diaper experience: Me
Closest person to making a break for Incheon Airport: Me
Most painful experience: paying at the discharge counter.
Best making light of it all moment: "Summer!!!! My pee burns going in!!!!" (OK Korean joke: pee =blood in Korean) while getting blood transfusion, who knew it would hurt!!???
So I'm done attention seeking in Korean hospitals. Phew.
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